
The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America

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City Recycling Notice

Update on trash pickup.  The increase in rates Beginning July 1, 2019 will be $2.85 plus a ten cent increase from the health department. A 96 gallon trash cart will be delivered to your home by July 1.  Please notify City Hall at 996-2742 if for some reason you do not receive your cart by that date.

Residents who are requesting an additional trash cart once carts are delivered, will need to contact CARDS directly by calling 877-592-2737 the fee for the additional cart is $4.95 per month with billing done once a year.

Effective June 10, the City of Greenwood will no longer collect recycling by curb side pickup. To accommodate those residents that wish to continue recycling they may do so by dropping off items at the Recycle Center located at 104 Bell Road next to the Street Dept.

The hours of the Recycle Center are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.  Saturday 8 a.m. until noon.

Residents will no longer be charged for recycling service and previously used recycle bins may be disposed of or kept at the resident’s discretion.

After going through a bid process, the City of Greenwood has signed a new contract with Central Arkansas Recycling & Disposal. There will be a rate increase in sanitation services, noted on the August Water Bill. The trash pickup schedule shall remain the same.

We believe there will be a noticeable improvement of this service to the residents of the city. Hopefully this will be a smooth transition.  Please notify City Hall of any issues regarding trash pickup at 479-996-2742.

Area Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas

Area Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas receives funding from the State of Arkansas as well as funding from local communities to assist and/or provide the frail, elderly and disabled  residents who are in need.  Applicants must meet requirements based upon age and income.

Following are examples of services Area Agency on Aging is able to assist with:

  • Adult Day Care
  • Personal Emergency Response System
  • Personal Care Assistance
  • Homemaking Assistance
  • Repair/Modification/Maintenance of Residence (safety bars in bathrooms, showers, etc)
  • Assistance with  Medications
  • Assistance with Utilities
  • Window A/C units
  • Portable Heaters
  • Wheelchair Ramps

The goal of Area Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas is to provide home-based services which enable the elderly to sustain their independence and remain in their home.

For more information, please reach out to:

Area Agency on Aging
#42 Town Square
Greenwood, Ar. 72930


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