Michael Lejong was a staple in the community of Greenwood. As a lifelong resident; he dedicated himself to an amazing husband, father, and the bedrock of this community.
Michael’s service and leadership has led to many professional accomplishments and awards – however building relationships is what Michael did best. Michael built lasting relationships with every colleague, project team, and community he worked with. He took pride in every project he worked on and served his community well.
His fingerprints are all over the City of Greenwood. While you may not know which projects he was involved, there are MANY! Dedicating the Lake Trail System is a very small way for us to thank Michael for his service to our community.
In 2023, the City of Greenwood made the decision to accept donations to build a sign in Mr. Lejong's honor and dedicate the entire Lake Trail System in his name.
Donations will be accepted at City Hall in Greenwood, Arkansas via Check or Cash.
An account has been setup at Farmers Bank in Greenwood, as well. The account number is 2088375, or you can ask to donate to the Michael Lejong Lake Trail Fund.

How to Donate
Greenwood City Hall
30 Bell Road
PO Box 1450
Greenwood, AR 72936
Farmers Bank
71 West Center Street
Account #2088375
Greenwood, AR 72936